The Club’s mission is to provide a supportive forum where photographers of all levels can gather to learn, share ideas and techniques, and explore both the science and art of photography. These goals will be met through presentations by external speakers as well as fellow club members and active participation by members in club photo assignments, competitions, field trips and monthly meetings.

Latest News 

We encourage our members to review the PSA Scoring Guide for the PSA Interclub competitions and consider representing our club by entering their own images. If you are interested please complete the release form and forward it to Simon Robertson.


Club Meetings

Club Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 06:30 PM in the St. James Community Center. In addition, all meetings will be shown on Zoom, so members who cannot get to the community center can attend. Members are encouraged to attend meetings, particularly in person, to ensure the best possible Club experience for all.

Our next meeting is Monday April 14, 2025
  • Review of the April's monthly assignment 'Color' 

 Monthly Photo Assignment

The April assignment is 'Color'. Submit up to 3 of your images through the club website until Friday April 11th at 11:00 PM. Image voting opens at 11:00 PM on Friday April 11th and will remain open until Monday April 14th at 1:00 PM.

Submission should be in jpg format and the max size should be 1920 x 1080 pixels or below 3 mb per image. To submit photos just click on "Competitions" (from the menu above) then "Submit Images to a Competition". There is a tutorial located under the heading "Competitions" if you require assistance.

Please note the following criteria for submission. 

 - Photo must have been captured within 12 month of submission deadline

 - No watermarks (authors name on the image)

 - No authors name in title

 - Photos not meeting the criteria will be disqualified

Future monthly assignment topics are May - "Weather" and June - "My Favorites, photo submissions with no rules". We will provide further assignment details at the monthly meeting prior to that assignment

Helpful Tips

 - Several months ago we previewed a video '1 Mile, 1 Year, 1 Lens'. You can access that video here

Field Trips/Workshops 

 Suggestions for future outings are very welcome. Contact Peter Riekstens at

Club Membership

Membership is open to all residents of the St. James community. Annual dues of $25.00 are due by January 31st. 

If you want to join our club or renew your membership, please click on the "2025 Membership Form" below and either bring the completed form and check to our next meeting or mail the completed form and check to Pat Powell, her address can be found on the membership form. Thank You.

The St James Photo Club Membership form can be downloaded here: 2025 Membership Form  

For suggestions regarding meeting topics or monthly assignments, general questions, or help creating your St James Photo Club website account, please reach out to either Mogens Hermansen or Simon Robertson

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